|| Okamigekido || 21 || She/They ||

I am a freelance artist working to take care of multiple animals, as well as purchase a home. I've been doing commissions for over eight years, starting on accounts that don't even exist anymore. I've been drawing digitally even longer. I am very familiar with SAI/SAI2 and my art varies within this program due to liking a slight bit of variety and my art consistently changing.If you purchase after reading this carrd, you agree to have read my TOS and are responsible for any inaccuracies relevant otherwise. You will be required to abide by all rules and laws set forth by said TOS which you can find by clicking on the link below, following this sentence.
[TOS] (https://www.warescare.net/tos.html)

Headshot $ 15

A flat colored, shaded, and highlighted neck-up of your character.

Half-body $ 30

A flat colored, shaded, and highlighted thigh/hip-up of your character.

Full-body $ 45

A flat colored, shaded, and highlighted full-body of your character.

ICONS $ 15

full scene $60+

An illustration with a painted background, and lined, shaded, and lightened characters. Please be very specific when asking for a piece and know I am still new to full art pieces. Depending on the complexity of the scene, amount of characters (3-4 max), and character crops-will infer what the price of the piece will be.

About the Artist

I'm Sam, the creator of the works you see above! A 21yr old artist that's engaged to the love of their life, trying to get through the housing crisis and other raised circumstances.
I have nine cats, and three ferrets (one of them senior), and a Fancy Bear Hamster that a lot of my money goes towards. I am currently in the process of trying to find a place to live after being "kicked out" when my mother moves and takes the rest of my family with her, and moves away. So, every bit helps!
Commissions may take a few months to get completed (I will try my best to have it done in 3- months) but it is always an unidentified period of time.
If you are willing to work with me and support my little family, please feel free to message me and I will return your message ASAP!

© Ware-Scare. All rights reserved.

Note: Completed commissions may look differently than the posted example. My art varies and my linewwork will NEVER be perfectly "clean". Commissioning me, you ackowledge this, as it has already been stated above.
You will recieve WIPS for each stage (ex: Sketch, Linework, Completion) as long as you are texting me VIA discord or Twitter. If you wait over 24 hours to respond, I will proceed regardless, but will attempt to adjust it if you respond in a time frame between then.